Wednesday, June 20, 2012

GDMBR prep

I have been a bit lazy with the posts lately. To catch the reader up, I have been ill. Nothing identifiable mind you, just an annoying bit of congestion and throat soreness. For the most part it has gone, though a cough persists. I'm not sure what I weigh right now. I am currently in the Finger Lakes region of NY state attending some company-sponsored training. The road bike and I have done rides of 55 and 35 miles on Monday and Tuesday, respectively. Head and side winds were brutal making the ride mostly a lesson in mental toughness. I hope to get back in the swing of things next week with my training log. It will certainly help me keep a positive attitude. No small feat considering the self-flagellation that takes place in my noggin. Aside from riding I have been scouring the Interwebs for lightweight bikepacking equipment. I picked up a Niterider Pro 1400 on eBay. I enjoy riding at night and currently rely on an old Cateye light. The Niterider will be a big upgrade. Looking at some of the DIY options for gear, mostly bags. I'm looking for multi-purpose equipment. I figure that will save on weight.

Finally, I was fascinated with the discussion on the forum regarding the essence of solo, self-supported riding. I look at it this way. I am racing, first and foremost. However, I am not racing against other riders. The challenge is to push my limits while adhering to the rules laid down by the sanctioning body. Now, that may leave a very unsatisfying taste in the mouths of any spectators be they real or virtual, but this was never supposed to be about the watchers, only the doers. And when it comes to crying foul on another racer, a "do unto others" approach is best. Before you say "I've got nothing to hide because I follow the rules" remember that nearly all of the information available to us is less than perfect. Once the accusation is out there, it's awfully hard to take it back.Guilt or innocence is a moot point.

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